Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Great Moments in Editing for a Rainy Tuesday

Well, not exactly.

It's not raining at the moment, but yesterday evening it was raining so hard that the neighborhood animals were lining up by twos and looking for arks. Yes, we need the rain ... but all at once?

Anyhow, I wanted to write this morning about the self-important ass clown hiding in Hong Kong who is convinced he knows better than anyone else what ought to be secret and what not, but I was too angry, which does not make for good blogging. Therefore, in order to calm Bilbo down, we shall resort to our frequent entertainment dodge of Great Moments in Editing. You go ahead and read, I'll just sit here and breathe deeply.

There's just no end to the God-given rights of which we're being deprived nowadays ...

There are always great breakfast specials available if you know where to go ...

You just know there's a great story behind this ...

You take them in, care for them, feed them, and sometimes they turn on you in unexpected ways ...

Well, I'm glad we clarified this one ...

Now, I don't know for sure that there are a lot of extreme people of the left and right living in Rock Hill, but I have my suspicions ...

I'm no legal expert, but I would venture to guess that the lady does, in fact, have reasonable grounds for divorce ... 

Aha!! Now we know why our health care costs are so high and rising so quickly!

I don't think this is a bad plan ... I wonder if there's a version of it that would work on encouraging people with gigantic "carry-ons" to stop wasting time trying to fit them into the overhead bins during boarding ...

Finally, I suppose this is only a problem if you're looking for a temporary, rather than a permanent cure ...

And there you have it - another selection of great moments in editing. More fun than a barrel of Congressmen.

Have a good day. If you are entrusted with secrets, consider actually keeping them.

More thoughts coming.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

Real editorial hems -- mind control of dogs, icy hot on vibrators, free beer. Even having an 8-foot privay fence is insufficent for naked sunbathing.

Duckbutt said...

Those dogs look like desperate outlaws.

Mike said...

The free beer isn't even at a local bar. It's 'downtown'. Let's have a boost before work? Of course I'm sure there are people that do that.

Big Sky Heidi said...

Its rough when hospitals must actually hire doctors: isn't webMD enough?

Who hired that guy in Hong Kong, anyway? Must have been some lax screening process being used.

The Bastard King of England said...

Small difference, CO instead of CO2.