Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cartoon Saturday

Here in Northern Virginia it's snowing like crazy...a good 8 inches on the ground in our yard already, and another 6-8 inches or more expected; Congress continues to play stupid procedural games instead of fixing health care; Iran continues to hold three dumbass American hikers it has arrested and charged with espionage; the Washington DC city council has stepped up to the plate to address the city's many serious problems by voting to legalize gay marriage; and after a Florida man spent more than 30 years in prison for the kidnap and rape of a 9-year-old boy in 1974, he was set free this week after a DNA test showed he was not guilty of the crime.

And did I mention the snow?

Thank goodness we have Cartoon Saturday to keep us happy, if not necessarily warm.

In honor of the strong and principled efforts of our elected reprehensives to kowtow to the medical lobbies and prevent meaningful health care reform, how about a few relevant cartoons...

Perhaps they can figure a way to bring down the cost of health care...but probably not.

One way of reducing health care expenses might be to use some less-costly, nontraditional tests...

But even modern, ultraexpensive medical science can't cure everything...

CSI Miami meets Animal Planet ...

From the department of AAARRRGGGHHH!!! ...

And finally, perhaps they should try Faux News ...

That's it for this issue of Cartoon Saturday. Next Saturday is, of course, Christmas, and so we will have a special holiday edition of Cartoon Saturday. Be sure to be here.

If you're in the path of the huge storm that's dumping snow all up the East coast, stay indoors and warm. Hot tea, hot buttered rum, Chex Mix, and good comfort food are recommended. Take it easy now...once the snow stops, you'll need to shovel it away...

'Til then, have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



Leslie David said...

I saw where Ben Nelson now says he'll vote for the bill. I wonder what additional women's rights have been horse traded away to pass this travesty of a bill. I'm going out to shovel and play in the snow. Laurie Sissons sent me a virtual snowman.

Mike said...

Darn the luck. We only had a dusting of snow on the lawns here. Maybe some pictures tomorrow?

Wv: cousnon - Not your cousin.