Friday, June 06, 2008

Who Am I?

Well, it looks as if Hillary Clinton has finally bowed to the inevitable and conceded the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. This allows the Democratic party to stop bickering internally and begin bickering at the Republicans, led by John McCain, the presumptive nominee of the GOP.


I hope I didn't embarrass you with that unseemly display of raucous celebratory glee.

If you've been reading my moaning for the last year or so, you know that I am about as disgruntled a voter as can be imagined. Neither of the major parties and none of the minor ones speak for me, none of the candidates are qualified to be president, and I'm looking forward to an election season marked by shouted oversimplifications and a lack of policy specifics. It's sad, but it's the modern American way.

I don't know what to call myself any more. I consider myself an Independent because there are some elements of both the Republican and Democratic philosophies that appeal to me, and very many that don't.

I could be a Republican because I'm a fiscally conservative retired military officer who believes in a strong defense, I'm almost 60, and I believe taxes should be held to the minimum necessary to perform essential functions that "provide for the common defense (and) promote the general welfare." I couldn't be a Republican because the party panders far too much to the single-issue partisans of the Religious Right and the NRA, and is far too deeply in the pockets of Big Business.

I could be a Democrat because I'm a socially liberal individual who believes the government has certain responsibilities to its citizens, that paying taxes is a civic responsibility, that government policies must balance the good of business and the welfare of the citizens, and that prosperity is not inconsistent with protection of the environment. I couldn't be a Democrat because the party takes too many positions on too many issues which are overly simplistic if not downright silly. And who needs a bunch of dumbasses like

I'm not whiny and simplistic enough to be a Democrat, and not arrogant and self-righteous enough to be a Republican.

So who do I vote for?

Barack Obama may be a fine man, but he is utterly unprepared to be president at this point in his life. This has nothing to do with his race; in fact, his race and the possibility of bringing black and white citizens closer together, is about the only thing I believe he has going for him.

John McCain is a true American hero, but he's too closely tied to the failed political and economic policies of George Bush. I admire him, but I can see what eight years of Republican administration has done to the country, and don't think the country can stand four or eight more years of the same.

Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate, isn't even worth mentioning.

I hope you have more luck than I do reconciling your personal beliefs with the available political parties and candidates and the reality of the modern world.

I think I'll move to Australia. Maybe Amanda has a spare room in Brisbane.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

Maybe if we close our eyes and pray these bozos will disappear?

I'm not even sure that I can believe Obama is a fine man. There's something not right about him in my book.

NathanRyder said...

You could come to the UK where we have a fine, long tradition of great political - oh wait, nevermind, stick with Australia...

In my idle moments (of which there are many) I do wonder about what resources would be neccessary in order to set up a small, self-sufficient community on an island somewhere... There's a fairly clever group of people who read your blog Bilbo, do you think if we all put our heads together we could work this out?

Amanda said...

Yup. We have plenty of spare rooms in Brisbane :)

Palembang is also having elections tomorrow (for their mayor). They have a very different system for voting. Instead of putting a tick or a cross in the box, they are presented with photos of the candidates and are supposed to pierce the photo of the one they want. Sort of like stabbing. The posters show a nail used to do this but I don't know if thats what they really use. I'll find out tomorrow.

John A Hill said...

Make room for me, Amanda.

I'm on my way, too.

Although I"ve always liked the idea of an island country where I'm the Sovreign Authority...kind of like home. (I hope Chris doesn't read this!)

ssgreylord said...

Save a spot for me 'cuz I'm moving with you to Australia.

Mike said...

I haven't said that in a while. Made me feel good.

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