Thursday, August 17, 2006

Well, the shooting has stopped - temporarily, at least - in Lebanon, and both sides are declaring victory. In reality, of course, everyone lost: the Israelis lost the aura of their army's invincibility against Arab foes, Hezbollah lost many of its fighters, and the Lebanese lost much of their country, pounded to ruin because of the fanatical hubris of Hezbollah. Of course, none of the Arabs see it that way (can you spell Pyrrhic Victory?), but they are just proving yet again the depths of their own stupidity.

But not all of them.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) today posted on its website a translation titled, "Libyan Reformist Writer Dr. Muhammad Al-Huni Criticizes Abuse of the Term 'Resistance' in Arab Political Discourse." It's an amazingly frank and clear-eyed look at what passes for rational thought in the Arab world, and it's worth your time reading. In a series of devastating examples, he illustrates the moral and intellectual depravity of the Arabs as exemplified by their use of the term "resistence" to justify their actions. Here are a few quotes from Dr Al-Huni's article:

"When Shi'ites kill Sunnis and Sunnis kill Shi'ites in Iraq merely for their [sectarian] identity, it is called 'resistance.'"


"When year after year, Hamas and Islamic Jihad extinguish any spark of peace which can end the suffering of the Palestinian people, it is called 'resistance.'"


"When Hizbullah takes an entire people hostage and refuses to obey the elected [authorities], dragging Lebanon into destruction, it is called 'resistance.'"


"Establishing television channels like Al-Jazeera, which misleads the Arab public and causes [the Arabs] to wager repeatedly on the victory of the losing side - is called 'resistance.'"


"When Muslim religious scholars issue fatwas permitting murder, suicide, and slaughtering of brothers and compatriots, and when [these scholars] condemn every rationalist idea as 'stupid'... and show contempt for modernity, it is called 'resistance.'"


"Bombing hotels in Amman and killing the bride and groom, and anyone [else] who tries to celebrate in these sad killing fields, is called 'resistance.'"

You can read the entire article at, and I encourage you to do so. Read some of the other articles, too, to get an idea of what hideous racist and quasi-religious drivel our enemies hear - and believe - every day.

One of the few things President Bush has said recently that I agree with was his characterization of our enemy as "Islamic Fascism." "Fascism" may not be the best word, but it sums up what we're up against.

Know your enemy. He doesn't know about you, and doesn't care to...all he's interested in is either forcing you to convert to Islam, or killing you.

Learn all you can, and take a stand against violent and intolerant people who would return to the seventh century...and drag you along.

Have a good day, and appreciate the fact that you live in a country that doesn't force you to worship in a particular way.


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